गुरुवार, 18 सितंबर 2014

The extremity of the hospital can be seen in B. P Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur.

Siraha city,The extremity of the hospital can be seen in B. P Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur. The hospital has played in the lives of patients. In the video, it is clear that the peon of the hospital is taking out the blood. The news about the carelessness of hospital is known to every common people. But in the case of B. P Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur, the peon has started to do the work of technician. But the carelessness of the workers in the hospitals is increasing, despite of many disputable issues in the hospital. Sita Dawadi has been working as a technician to take out blood. Sita Dawadi is the peon of the hospital but she has been working to take out blood from the patients’ body. Sita has been working as a lab technician and assistance. So she has stated that she has been started with the work of taking out blood from early morning. The acting Dr. Chin Bahadur Pun is in visit to China and main Doctor, Dej Gautam is on leave. Thus the hospital has to face such carelessness and taking the lives of patients as trifle.

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